Once upon a bicycle shop
Many years ago, a young man sold his motorcycle to buy a bicycle and auto repair shop.
75+ years later, that shop has turned into an international loader crane manufacturer.

It all started
with a Nimbus
This was the item Arne Bundgaard Jensen had to sell back in 1945, when he needed money to buy a bicycle and auto repair shop in Højbjerg, Denmark, for a business idea.
He named the business Højbjerg Maskinfabrik (Højbjerg Machine Factory), or in short, HMF.
Later, Bundgaard changed his focus to fit the increasing demand on truck equipment, and by 1947 he started to produce agricultural trailers and tipping bodies.
Arne Bundgaard Jensen was a resourceful man! As he noticed a new demand in the market, he changed HMF’s focus again. In 1952, HMF produced its first ever truck-mounted crane.
The rest is history! Today HMF is Denmark’s only and one of the world’s leading loader crane manufacturers with a presence in the entire world.

Arne Bundgaard Jensen founded HMF buying a bicycle and auto repair shop
The first truck-mounted HMF loader crane was produced and a year later our international adventure began with export to Sweden and Germany
We moved to a new, larger location for production and administration - Oddervej 200 in Højbjerg - our current headquarters
We acquired the Danish trailer factory DAPA in Rødekro, Denmark, and established a new branch in Roskilde, Denmark
HMF subsidiaries were established in Germany and the UK
Upholding international standards, HMF became an ISO certified crane manufacturer

Patent applications for our stability system (EVS) and our safety system (RCL)
We received the Automation Prize awarded by the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), thanks to our dual welding robot cell for crane arms
Today 100% owned by the Danish foundation, Bundgaard-Fonden