Green Crane for Green Jobs
The new vehicle will be working with a forest of different tasks, because Peter's working day consists of a little bit of everything; he’s the one who answers the phone when one of the company's 200 gardeners calls to request help from a crane truck. He then coordinates internally with the other hauliers to decide who should respond. Typically, the crane operators have to help with grab work or lifting machines over high hedges.
Peter transports everything from garden waste and trees to tiles and gardening machinery for large companies and private customers. He particularly enjoys working in private gardens, where he can follow the process from start to finish and see the hard work bear fruit.

Anlægsgartner Gottlieb is a large business with branches near Copenhagen, Western Jutland and Central Jutland. Their work areas are within construction, landscaping, and maintenance, which is why crane operator Peter's tasks are also very varied. For this reason, it's important to have a sturdy vehicle and a versatile crane that can handle different challenges and help the business grow. That's why he got to decide for himself exactly how his new crane lorry should be built. He chose a fixed tipping body and a 2820 in a colour that makes you green with envy.
‘I asked for a 2820 which is the most suitable crane for my tasks because it can lift heavy loads with a stretched boom system.’
Peter is now well versed in the range. With more than 20 years of experience with HMF, his crane portfolio includes a 1420K, 1820K, 2220K, 2420K, and a 2620K crane - and it's still possible to impress him. He talks about his new vehicle body building with great enthusiasm and is particularly pleased with the air reel that has been fitted to his truck. It comes into play if one of the tyres of the gardening machines – or even if one of his colleagues’ private cars needs air in the tyres – Peter and his shiny, green crane truck are happy to come and do the job.